The Coronavirus has and will continue to affect the charitable sector.
At this delicate time, fundraisers have a crucial role to play.
Our charities and causes will see an increased demand for their services. At the same time, we will be required to innovate to continue to deliver our activities within the confines of the necessary social distancing and isolation measures. Inevitably this innovation will require new funding.
We will need to meet this increased demand and requirement to innovate during a period of declining income.
As fundraisers, we can make a difference to our causes and most importantly, our beneficiaries in the coming months.
Over the last week, there has been an incredible amount of information coming from the Government, the Fundraising Regulator, our various bodies, funders, as well as lots of help to operate effectively in our new reality.
Knowledge is powerful, but it is a little overwhelming to take in.
Therefore to help, for the duration of the pandemic, we will be releasing a regular COVID-19 Fundraiser’s Digest to curate some of the essential information you need to be aware of at the moment.
Through short blogs we hope that you can grab enough information to make good decisions and quickly return to direct delivery of your fundraising activities.
We hope it helps in some way.
The Chell Perkins Team